Recent News

EEF Receives Grant from Green Bay Packers Foundation

The Evansville Education Foundation (EEF) received a $5,000 grant from the Green Bay Packers Foundation

2024 Homecoming 50/50 Raffle

This year’s Homecoming football game and pre-game activities helped us raise the most money EVER through a 50/50 raffle drawing! Congratulations to our winner Don Scanlon, who went home with

2024-2025 Grant Recipients

Congratulations to our 2024-2025 School Year Grant Recipients!

Homecoming 50/50 Raffle

We were excited to be able to host the 50/50 raffle at homecoming after a hiatus in 2020. Congrats to winner Krista Korfmacher, who won $162. Thank you to everyone

First EEF Online Auction June 19-24

To continue our mission of supporting Evansville teachers and students, we’re holding an online auction from June 19-24. Details are on this page: Online Auction. This replaces our primary fundraiser

EEF Donates $2,000 for Kids in Need

Part of the EEF’s mission is to support students who are unable to pay for school-related expenses such as field trips, mittens, or a graduation cap and gown. After all,

Congratulations to Our 2018-2019 Grant Recipients

On August 28th, the EEF presented over $6,000 in grants to Evansville teachers at the annual Back-to-School breakfast. From robotics to music, and from flexible seating to mindfulness training, teachers